Yung Gravy performing at Spring Event

Campus Events

Something for Everyone

Student Involvement and Connections keeps you in the know with a non-stop calendar of events. From comedians and bands to game nights, fascinating speakers, to important career planning events, stay in the know through our site or visit our calendar of events.

Our office is your gateway to entertainment, involvement, and leadership on campus. As part of the Division of Student Life, we create opportunities for students to participate actively, grow personally, and explore new ideas and interests through a variety of entertainment and involvement experiences. Our staff, and the students with whom we work, are committed to making Western New England a vibrant campus community filled with diverse activities for all students to enjoy.

Calendar of Events

Traditions that Rock!

Traditions like painting The Rock, WNEPalooza, and the annual Bed Race run during Family and Friends Weekend make us all proud to wear the Western New England University blue and gold. Be a part of our traditions or help your class create your own.

Cheer club

Something for Everyone!

With more than 70 clubs and organizations, you're sure to find one or two or more that match your interests and passions. C.A.R.E. provides a platform for students interested in social justice. The Accounting Association organizes networking events with area professionals, while the Outing Club explores the natural beauty of our great New England backyard.

Improv on the Rocks

What's Going on This Weekend

Music, movies on Commonwealth lawn, bands, game night—there's always a variety of things to do each weekend at Western New England University. Some activities are just plain fun, while others have an academic or service component. Whatever you choose, dive in and be an active participant.

Student involvement fair

Get Involved—Right from the Start

Students become involved usually within the first two weeks they are here as first year or transfer students. The Office of Student Involvement and Connections sponsored Student Involvement Fair offers students an opportunity to meet the student leaders of each organization and also see what they are planning for the year.